A new group has been started at Friendship Baptist Church for the seniors of our church and for the community. Our Super Seniors meet for fun, food, fellowship, and devotion in the new Senior Center which is the old fellowship hall behind and attached to the church. Rev. Les Henry has led us in great devotions. We have sung and played games and just fellow-shipped with one another. Everyone enjoys the chance of getting a door prize as well. We hope to have the Senior Center opened up more often beginning in January 2017 to read, play games, talk, quilt, or whatever the seniors would like to do. We also want to work more on getting our library corner ready to check out books. We invite all seniors to join us at any of our upcoming meetings.
Upcoming dates for noon meetings at the Senior Center: June 15, August 15, September 14, October 10, November 14, December 14, 2017. An Outing at Lake Lanier is scheduled for October 26. The July 2017 meeting will be the lunch after revival service on Wednesday, July 12.
On Thursday, October 20, 2016, we enjoyed a picnic or hamburger, hotdogs, and all the fixings at Lake Lanier as guests of Joe & Kathy Padgett who treated us like royalty. Many enjoyed walking, playing corn hole, and just visiting with one another. On Thursday, November 17, we enjoyed soups and desserts and had special recognition for our attending veterans. Les Henry leads delivers us some great devotions and challenges us with brain teasers which all seem to enjoy. On Tuesday, December 13, we had a delicious pot luck lunch and enjoyed a devotion given by our Pastor, Rev. Ricky Byrd, and did some Christmas trivial questions. All scheduled meetings at the Senior Center will begin at 12 noon. We usually have 40 or more attending. On Thursday, January 12, 2017, we held a big potluck lunch and enjoyed some trivial and a great devotion. On Tuesday, February 7, we held a Valentine Celebration with a delicious surprise meal prepared by Les, Gwen, and Beth Henry with a Valentine's Day decorated cake. Les gave a great devotion on love and we played some bingo with simple prizes. We had 45 attending and some for the first time. On March 16, we enjoyed a Pot Luck lunch and enjoyed some St. Patrick trivia. We met on April 11 and enjoyed some delicious soups, salads, and desserts with Easter devotion trivia questions. On April 20, we enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs at Lake Lanier and games and relaxation. On May 11, we enjoyed a huge pot luck meal. We have about 75 seniors who have attended at least one of our meetings with the average attendance in the 40's. Please join us any time.
Pathfinders Bible LIFE Group hosts Senior Luncheon for 70+ years young group.